By John Doyle Anderson
An Inheritance Incorruptible
A faith-inspired novel of historical fiction based on a family legacy
An encouraging saga of lives lived through the most technically developed century in history, beginning on horse-and-wagon dusty roads and eventually soaring through space in manned rockets. Based on true events and real people, these captivating stories share a generational theme of deliverance from insufferable trials via faith and trust in God Almighty. These timely accounts give contemporary folks good reason to resist the fears of today’s COVID-conscious and insecure society and instead embrace the lively hope within the Christian’s heart that transforms souls, unites families, and alters destinies. This big hope in a big God leads to an inheritance that can’t be stolen, diminished, or defiled in any way. It’s the inspiration of the faithful, available to all who choose light over darkness and who purpose to enjoy today while looking forward to tomorrow. It’s our inheritance incorruptible.

local Houston author, family man, African mission volunteer, and confessed late-bloomer
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